Upcoming movies
Discover the best films from the upcoming cinema program in our constantly updated overview.
In cinemas since January 29, 2025
Creation of the Gods II: Demon Force (2025)
Taishi Wen Zhong led the army of Shang Dynasty including Deng Chanyu and four generals of the Mo Family to Xiqi. With the help of Kunlun immortals such as Jiang Ziya, Ji Fa led the army and civilians of Xiqi to defend their homeland.
In cinemas since January 31, 2025
Companion (2025)
A movie starring Sophie Thatcher, Jack Quaid and Lukas Gage
Hey you. Tired of swiping? Sick of getting ghosted? Are you feeling like a part of you is missing? FindYourCompanion.com is guaranteed to find you a Companion who’s made for you.
In cinemas since January 31, 2025
The Bad Guys: Little Lies and Alibis (2025)
A movie starring Sam Rockwell, Marc Maron and Craig Robinson
A group of former criminals do their best to get to their parole interview on time.
In cinemas since January 31, 2025
Like Father, Like Son (2025)
An emotional thriller about the lengths one man will go to end a brutal cycle of violence. Eli is a young man whose father waits on death row for the crime of murder in the first degree. As Eli’s life begins to fall apart, he discovers similar terrifying triggers in himself and takes extreme measures to ensure that the family’s string of savagery comes to an end.
In cinemas since January 31, 2025
Dog Man (2025)
A movie starring Peter Hastings, Pete Davidson and Lucas Hopkins Calderon
When a dog and a police officer are injured together on the job, a life-saving surgery changes the course of history. Half dog, half man, Dog Man is sworn to protect and serve as he doggedly pursues his arch-nemesis: the feline supervillain Petey the Cat. But the rivalry between Dog Man and Petey is upended by the arrival of an adorable kitten clone of Petey, Lil Petey.
In cinemas starting February 7, 2025
Parthenope (2025)
A movie starring Celeste Dalla Porta, Gary Oldman and Stefania Sandrelli
The long journey of Parthenope’s life, from her birth in 1950 till today. A feminine epic, devoid of heroism but brimming with an inexorable passion for freedom, Naples, and the faces of love—all those true, pointless, and unspeakable loves.