In cinemas starting April 18, 2025
Sinners (2025)
A movie starring Michael B. Jordan, Hailee Steinfeld and Jack O'Connell
In the 1930s, identical twin vampires return to their Southern hometown to leave their troubled lives behind and start again, only to discover that an even greater evil is waiting to welcome them back.
In cinemas starting February 14, 2025
I'm Still Here (2025)
A movie starring Fernanda Torres, Selton Mello and Fernanda Montenegro
In 1970s Rio de Janeiro, during Brazil's military dictatorship, former deputy Rubens Paiva was taken from his home by soldiers to be interrogated. He was never found again. His wife and family set out to determine the truth of his fate, in a search that would last 30 long years.
In cinemas starting April 25, 2025
The Accountant 2 (2025)
A movie starring Ben Affleck, Jon Bernthal and J.K. Simmons
When Medina's former boss is killed by unknown assassins, she's forced to contact Christian to solve the murder. With the help of his estranged but highly lethal brother Brax, Chris applies his brilliant mind and less-than-legal methods to piece together the unsolved puzzle ... (more)
Available on-demand starting January 24, 2025
Into the Deep (2025)
A movie starring Scout Taylor-Compton, Richard Dreyfuss and Stuart Townsend
Divers searching for sunken treasure witness the murder of drug dealers by modern-day pirates, but a killer great white is determined not to let any of them escape its waters.
Silent Zone
A movie starring Matt Devere, Luca Papp and Nikolett Barabas
In a zombie-ravaged world, a resourceful teen and her protector fight for survival, facing relentless dangers and testing the limits of hope and loyalty.
In cinemas starting April 11, 2025
Drop (2025)
A movie starring Meghann Fahy, Brandon Sklenar and Violett Beane
A widowed mother on her first date in years, who arrives at an upscale restaurant where she is relieved that her date, Henry is more charming and handsome than she expected. But their chemistry begins to curdle as Violet begins being irritated and then terrorized by a series of anonymous drops to her phone.