In cinemas starting March 21, 2025
Snow White (2025)
A movie starring Rachel Zegler, Gal Gadot and Andrew Burnap
A live-action musical reimagining of the classic 1937 film. The magical music adventure journeys back to the timeless story with beloved characters Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, and Sneezy.
In cinemas starting April 4, 2025
A Minecraft Movie (2025)
A movie starring Jack Black, Jason Momoa and Emma Myers
In Minecraft's enchanting Overworld, four misfits must harness their creativity and collaborate with expert crafter Steve to conquer challenges, fend off dangers, and rediscover their unique talents to return home—ultimately blending imagination with survival.
School of Magical Animals 3
A movie starring Emilia Maier, Leonard Artur Conrads and Emilia Pieske
Ida wants to perform with her class at the annual Forest Day to campaign for the protection of the local forest. Even Helene is there, as she hopes to use the footage of the performance to build up her influencer channel. What nobody knows is that Helene's family is on the verge of bankruptcy and Helene urgently needs followers to avert the threat of bankruptcy.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
A movie starring Chris Pratt, Anya Taylor-Joy and Jack Black
After finding himself in a world known as the Mushroom Kingdom, A Brooklyn plumber Mario must travel through this world with a princess named Peach and a mushroom named Toad to find his brother Luigi and save the world from a ruthless fire-breathing monster called Bowser.
In cinemas starting May 23, 2025
Lilo & Stitch (2025)
A movie starring Maia Kealoha, Chris Sanders and Zach Galifianakis
The live-action remake of "Lilo & Stitch" retells the heartfelt friendship between the little blue alien Stitch and the orphan girl Lilo as they overcome challenges together and learn the meaning of family.
Bookworm (2024)
A movie starring Elijah Wood, Nell Fisher and Michael Smiley
12-year-old Mildred’s life is turned upside down when her mother lands in hospital and estranged, American magician father, Strawn Wise, comes to look after her ... (more)