The Count of Monte-Cristo
A movie starring Pierre Niney, Anaïs Demoustier and Pierfrancesco Favino
Edmond Dantes becomes the target of a sinister plot and is arrested on his wedding day for a crime he did not commit. After 14 years in the island prison of Château d’If, he manages a daring escape. Now rich beyond his dreams, he assumes the identity of the Count of Monte-Cristo and exacts his revenge on the three men who betrayed him.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
A movie starring Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr. and Michael Keaton
In this action-packed film, after the Battle of New York, Adrian Toomes holds onto Chitauri technology to develop cutting-edge weapons. When Peter Parker's secret identity is exposed and Toomes plots a major heist, Parker must step up as Spider-Man to save the day. Can he stop Toomes before it's too late?
I, The Executioner (2024)
A movie starring Hwang Jung-min, Jung Hae-in and Oh Dal-su
The veteran detective Seo Do-cheol and his team at Major Crimes, relentless in their pursuit of criminals, join forces with rookie cop Park Sun-woo to track down a serial killer who has plunged the nation into turmoil.
Available on February 14, 2025 starting AppleTV+
The Gorge (2025)
A movie starring Miles Teller, Anya Taylor-Joy and Sigourney Weaver
Two highly-trained operatives are appointed to posts in guard towers on opposite sides of a vast and highly classified gorge, protecting the world from an undisclosed, mysterious evil that lurks within. They bond from a distance while trying to stay vigilant in defending against an unseen enemy. When the cataclysmic threat to humanity is revealed to them, they must work together in a test of both their physical and mental strength to keep the secret in the gorge before it’s too late.
Agent Recon
A movie starring Chuck Norris, Derek Ting and Marc Singer
A covert military task force tracks a mysterious energy disturbance at a secret base in New Mexico that is suspected of experimenting on alien technology. Once there, the team encounters an unknown being of extraordinary strength and speed, and the ability to control an army of mindless warriors. The trio must fight through the unstoppable hordes to prevent humanity's demise.
In cinemas starting April 11, 2025
The Amateur (2025)
A movie starring Rami Malek, Rachel Brosnahan and Laurence Fishburne
After his wife is tragically killed in a London terrorist attack, a CIA cryptographer demands his bosses go after the killers. When it becomes clear they won’t act due to conflicting internal priorities, he blackmails the agency into training him and letting him go after them himself.